Post Modernist Quesidilla.
I decided to combine the two because its late, and I'm tired. Cornell trip tomorrow, gone for the weekend, etc. Anyway, the post modernist quesidilla doesn't take no crap, because its so hip its beyond modern. If mexican food was a style of literature, then the post modernist quesidilla would kick ass. It would talk the scarlet letter and bash my antonia with a big helping of ethan frome. Whoever could take ethan frome to the face deserves respect, cause man that book sucked so bad. I wouldn't know though cause I didn't read it. English is 85 percent bullshit, which is why you need the post modernist quesidilla. It really has a good blend of cheese, sauce, chicken, and stupid neo-philosophy. Oh man, the other day I ate one and I suddenly knew why communism works. Or why we have wars. In fact, the post modernist quesidilla comes in four flavors, up, down, bottom, and charm. These add up to a charge of +2/3e. I'll take your money in the form of family guy. Wow, its way too late to be doing this. The next ramble will be next week. Can someone suggest some real topics this time?
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