Thursday, September 30, 2004

Good News For People Who Love Bad News

Hi all. Not exactly bouncing off the walls here, its been a tiring and stress filled week. Bleh. NYU deadline looms closer, module one is a whole lot of work, and I'm beginning to remember what no sleep feels like. To top it all off its going to be a full weekend of nerd patrol. Joy. Its fun, but I am so spent I'm not sure how the pile of crap I have is going to be filled out, figured out, and neatly put back into my folder. Ok, enough bad mood for now.
Nothing incredibly new to report really....The play is underway, everything is peachy in band, blah blah blah. Matty K and I can be seen in the up coming cabaret night/coffee house/whatever on October 7th. We'll be doing a placebo cover, should be entertaining to see us and a few other semi-band acts. The former little brother gone guitar player Zach Muller has some sort of act going on, so that should be interesting for those who remember spending many a night at Pete's house. Unfortunately most of you are in college, so that notion is lost.
In response to the most recent extra sauce....I apologize, in advance, but I only realized Justine had linked us because I was admiring the very different layout of her blog and happened to look at the links. Unless you tell me, its not likely that I will realize you linked us. So if you want it that bad, just let me know. And don't whine Nick, or I won't love you as much. Nah, I lied.
Ok, Tivo should be a requirement in every house. I recently attained this marvelous thing in my den and boy does it make life wonderful. That's what I got to say about that. Family Guy!!
That's it for now. A night of Morgan tomorrow followed by two days straight of nerd patrol should leave me with no energy this weekend, but at least I'll enjoy it. Yes sir, enjoy it I will. Oh, and the marching band trip to Florida is official: five days in Orlando with all kinds of cool shit happening. Oh yeah.