Friday, May 13, 2005

Breaks are excuses.

I thought this was more interesting than a job that I'd like but won't take because of the pay, because as educated as that might be it didn't appeal to me because I am lazy. And since no one else posted its up to me. Now, for the break....I think its an excuse. Its an excuse for one person in a relationship to do whatever or whoever they want without flat out telling the other person they don't want them and to move on. It ensures that one person stays in control. I think this is totally inept. If you aren't committed to someone, you need to tell them so they can move on, however they need to. IT may be violent, you may hurt them, but in the long run everyone will have a chance to be happy. You can't let someone walk around thinking everything might be ok with this break nonsense. Tell them flat out that its over. If it really is a break where you don't see anyone else, but you don't see each other, well thats just silly too. Chances are you just need to give each other a little space. Let the other person have more time to themself, but at the same time don't deny how you feel for each other. Repressed feelings are the worst kind of anxiety. Life isn't fair, and a lot of the time we must endure things not going our way. But you should always be honest with the people you love, and most of all, honest with yourself. Don't try to use a "break" as an excuse for straying, realize the relationship isn't working and help everyone move on.

P.S. Since everyone doesn't watch Friends, I won't discuss the Ross scenerio, but feel free to comment on it.