Batman Returns
Definitely one of my all time favorite movies. But whenever I get this question I always do a double take, because I can never remember movies I absolutely loved. Later, when I'm thinking about this more deeply, I'll think of what I consider my favorite movie and say to myself "Damn, I wish I'd thought of that before while I was typing!". But I dunno, I never can decide what is my all time favorite movie. I can only guess at a few that I've enjoyed and are contenders, qualifiers, and other subsidieries, so here we go. I love the Kill Bill series, and although Quentin Tarintino has a very creepy voice/disposition, he made some mighty fun cinematic fun. I also really enjoyed a movie with Robin Williams called What Dreams May Come. Anyone else see that? Very good story. Oh, and of course I love Indiana Jones, especially The Temple of Doom. Harrison Ford is mad good at life (Think Han Solo). I like the Star Wars series, but I don't think they are on top of my list. Oh, and my favorite animated movie is definitely Toy Story. Oh man, what a great movie. Makes you want to hug a friend, or a tree, or something. So, I'd have to say those are my favorite movies. Now what would happen if they all got into a fight?....
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