Good News For People Who Love Bad News
Nothing incredibly new to report really....The play is underway, everything is peachy in band, blah blah blah. Matty K and I can be seen in the up coming cabaret night/coffee house/whatever on October 7th. We'll be doing a placebo cover, should be entertaining to see us and a few other semi-band acts. The former little brother gone guitar player Zach Muller has some sort of act going on, so that should be interesting for those who remember spending many a night at Pete's house. Unfortunately most of you are in college, so that notion is lost.
In response to the most recent extra sauce....I apologize, in advance, but I only realized Justine had linked us because I was admiring the very different layout of her blog and happened to look at the links. Unless you tell me, its not likely that I will realize you linked us. So if you want it that bad, just let me know. And don't whine Nick, or I won't love you as much. Nah, I lied.
Ok, Tivo should be a requirement in every house. I recently attained this marvelous thing in my den and boy does it make life wonderful. That's what I got to say about that. Family Guy!!
That's it for now. A night of Morgan tomorrow followed by two days straight of nerd patrol should leave me with no energy this weekend, but at least I'll enjoy it. Yes sir, enjoy it I will. Oh, and the marching band trip to Florida is official: five days in Orlando with all kinds of cool shit happening. Oh yeah.